Basingstoke College of Technology


Basingstoke College of Technology (BCoT) is a general further education college in England with 4,000 learners and apprentices.

BCoT put digital technology at the heart of teaching and learning at the college. They needed tools that would make online learning accessible and engaging to all. Read why they chose to roll out Texthelp’s Read&Write and Equatio to support this.

Basingstoke College of Technology


  • BCoT selected the Texthelp toolkit to support teaching and learning across the college.
  • The EdTech tools help all students to become more confident and independent learners.
  • Meanwhile teachers and staff are able to make digital learning experiences more accessible and engaging across all courses.

Forward thinking

BCoT’s mission is to prepare their learners for employment and industry needs. Their culture of innovation and continuous learning is what supports this mission. This includes having a dedicated digital team in house. The team is responsible for helping teachers and students develop digital skills to improve teaching and learning.

The college found that Texthelp’s goal to unlock everyone’s full potential was in line with their culture.

We like to work with companies that we think are doing it for the right reasons. Everything we’ve seen from Texthelp has been really aligned with our values.

A learning model

This led to BCoT making Texthelp’s literacy and STEM tools Read&Write and Equatio available across the college. By providing an EdTech toolkit, the college is able to give quality, consistent support to all students across all courses. As Sky explains:

“Read&Write is something that we encourage all of our learners to use. Even just simple things like learners with Dyslexia being able to use a coloured overlay. This gives them equity with other learners within their class. They don’t need to have extra software or use a certain PC.”

“Our engineering and maths teachers have used EquatIO a lot to record demonstrations and tutorials for learners."

Always learning

BCoT works with other schools and colleges to make sure they are at the cutting edge of teaching and learning. This helps them offer better opportunities and experiences for their learners.

They are part of the DfE’s EdTech Demonstrator Programme which gives peer-to-peer support on using technology. As a Demonstrator College BCoT have given support and created resources on digital accessibility and online learning. Alongside supporting schools and colleges, BCoT also has plans to integrate Texthelp tools as a core part of their toolbox.

Student spotlight

2020 was a difficult year but this story helps, as Sky says “remind us why we do what we do”.

“I did a one-to-one session with a learner who has complex needs, helping them to use Read&Write at home. Their carer sent a message saying she was almost in tears because it gave this learner a lot more independence.”

A small (big) difference...

“It shows how, even just the smallest of things can have a really big impact on learners and their families. And having access to Read&Write has made a massive difference to that learner”.