Read&Write for Windows
Making the web, documents and files more accessible for everyone.
Literacy support for all users
The Read&Write toolbar integrates with Windows based tools including Microsoft Word, Office 365 and web browsers. Supporting every student with reading, writing and researching, wherever they’re working.
Need a helping hand?
We’ve got lots of video resources and online help to help you find your way around Read&Write for Windows.
Have you any questions about Read&Write for Windows?
If you have any questions about Read&Write for Windows, you’d like to see it in action or you’d like to talk to one of our Texthelpers about licensing options, then please complete this form.
Why do we need this detail?
The information you provide in this form will help us to direct you to the right person. It means we’ll be able to reply to you faster. We also ask if you’re interested in any other products because we often have multi-product discounts available.
When can you expect to hear from us?
We try to respond to you within 24 hours (max). Sometimes that isn’t always possible (over the weekend for example). But we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.
What our customers say
Without a doubt, Texthelp’s Read&Write makes me a more confident student and professional. I was very insecure about my aptitude and my intelligence before even though I knew I was smart. Thanks to Read&Write, I can write confidently and am no longer afraid to submit applications for jobs.